Plugins for Nikola
This is the plugin repository for Nikola, a static site and blog generator.
To contribute a plugin, head to the GitHub repository and check out the file for instructions and requirements.
Warning: plugins are Python code. Some of them may contain malicious code, intentionally or not (even though there is code review for plugins.) Use at your own risk.
Browse: by version, by category, all available plugins
All available plugins
- accordion — Accordion directive, providing collapsible boxes for web pages.
- v7/asciidoc — Compile ASCIIDoc into HTML
- v8/asciidoc — Compile ASCIIDoc into HTML
- babeldates — Use Babel to format dates.
- v7/bbcode — Compile BBCode into HTML
- v8/bbcode — Compile BBCode into HTML
- v7/book_figure — Book figure directives
- v8/book_figure — Book figure directives
- cactuscomments — Use Cactus Comments as a comment system
- category_prevnext — Sets next/previous link according to category index instead of global timeline
- v7/commonmark — Compile Markdown into HTML with CommonMark instead of python-markdown
- v8/commonmark — Compile Markdown into HTML with CommonMark instead of python-markdown
- contentful — Import posts and pages from Contenful CMS
- continuous_import — Seamlessly merge other feeds into your blog
- datocms — Import posts and pages from DatoCMS
- deploy_hooks — Lets you perform post deploy actions.
- devto — Publish posts to Devto
- ditaa — ReST directive to compile diagrams using ditaa
- emoji — Emoji role for restructured text
- errorpages — Creates pages to be used for HTTP status/error pages.
- flexsearch_plugin — Adds FlexSearch full-text search capabilities to Nikola static sites, indexing both posts and pages.
- forms — Alpaca-based forms for ReST.
- gallery_directive — A directive to embed an image gallery in a reSt document
- gallery_shortcode — A directive to embed an image gallery in a reSt document
- v7/german_slugify — Converts German umlauts ä, ö, ü, ß to ae, oe, ue, ss while slugifying.
- v8/german_slugify — Converts German umlauts ä, ö, ü, ß to ae, oe, ue, ss while slugifying.
- github_widget — A shortcode to embed GitHub repository widgets.
- graphviz — Graph directives based on Graphviz, compatible with Sphinx
- v7/helloworld — Dummy plugin that says hi
- v8/helloworld — Dummy plugin that says hi (to the 8th version)
- v7/hierarchical_pages — Scan pages and arranges them in a hierarchy
- v8/hierarchical_pages — Scan pages and arranges them in a hierarchy
- html_roles — A collection of roles that generate html-specific tags that are not handled by vanilla docutils.
- iarchiver — Save new posts in the Internet Archives.
- ical — Calendar shortcode
- import_blogger — Import a blogger site from a XML dump.
- import_feed — Import a blog posts from a RSS/Atom feed
- import_goodreads — Import Goodreads read books from Goodreads RSS to an existing site
- import_gplus — Import Google+ posts from Google Takeout
- import_jekyll — Import a Jekyll or Octopress site.
- import_page — Try to import arbitrary web content
- import_tumblr — Import a Tumblr blog via the Tumblr API
- import_twitpic — Import from Twitpic
- irclogs — Compile irclogs
- issue_role — Convert issue tracker IDs into URLs
- jade — Support for Jade templates.
- v7/jsonfeed — Generate JSON Feeds for a Nikola blog.
- v8/jsonfeed — Generate JSON Feeds for a Nikola blog.
- v7/kramdown — Compile kramdown into HTML
- v8/kramdown — Compile kramdown into HTML
- latex — Compile a subset of LaTeX to HTML
- latex_formula_renderer — Provides a LaTeX formula rendering infrastructure
- less — Build CSS out of LESS sources
- v7/link_figure — Link figure directives
- v8/link_figure — Link figure directives
- localkatex — Render math using KaTeX while building the site
- localsearch — Create data files for local search via Tipue
- v7/markmin — Compile Markmin into HTML
- v8/markmin — Compile Markmin into HTML
- marko — Compile Markdown into HTML with Marko instead of python-markdown
- mastodoncomments — Use Mastodon as a comment system
- v7/mediawiki — Compile MediaWiki markup into HTML using
- v8/mediawiki — Compile MediaWiki markup into HTML using
- medium — Publish posts to Medium
- meta_template — "template" rest directive to include custom templates
- micro — Create a new microblog post. The `type` will be "micro", and the `title` will be the current time.
- v7/microdata — Microdata semantic markups support for Nikola static blog generator.
- v8/microdata — Microdata semantic markups support for Nikola static blog generator.
- mincss — Apply mincss to the generated site
- v7/misaka — Compile Markdown into HTML with Misaka instead of python-markdown
- v8/misaka — Compile Markdown into HTML with Misaka instead of python-markdown
- v7/mistune — Compile Markdown into HTML with Mistune instead of python-markdown
- v8/mistune — Compile Markdown into HTML with Mistune instead of python-markdown
- mustache — Generates the blog's index pages in json.
- myst — Compile Markdown into HTML with Myst instead of python-markdown
- navstories — Add all stories in specified locations to the navigation bar.
- nextcloud_forms — Embed Nextcloud Forms
- notebook_shortcode — Insert a Jupyter/IPython notebook into a post using shortcode
- observable — Support for Observable Notebooks
- odt — Compile ODT files into HTML
- opentimestamps — Stamp your files with a blockchain based timestamp
- v7/orgmode — Compile org-mode markup into HTML using emacs.
- v8/orgmode — Compile org-mode markup into HTML using emacs.
- pdoc — Add module documentation as a page using pdoc
- ping — Ping services with updates to the live site
- pkgindex — Generate package indexes (meta-plugin)
- pkgindex_compiler — Compile pages in package indexes
- pkgindex_scan — Scan packages for package indexes
- pkgindex_zip — Generate ZIP (and JSON) files for package indexes
- planetoid — Maintain a planet-like site
- plantuml — Renders PlantUML files
- plantuml_markdown — Markdown extension for PlantUML
- postcast — Generates podcast/netcast RSS feeds from posts
- pretty_breadcrumbs — Generate pretty breadcrumbs based on metadata instead of filepaths
- v7/projectpages — Generate project pages
- v8/projectpages — Generate project pages
- publication_list — Easily manage publication list.
- pyplots — Compatibility with matplotlib's pyplots directive for sphinx
- random_post — Show a random post
- recent_posts_json — Generate JSON with recent posts.
- rest_html5 — Compile reST into HTML5
- rss_ogg — Generate Ogg RSS feeds.
- rst_prism_js — An implementation of the docutils code directive that uses prism.js instead of pygments
- rstdiff — A reStructuredText directive to show files side-by-side
- sass — Build CSS out of Sass sources
- section_prevnext — Sets next/previous link according to section index instead of global timeline
- series — Implementation of serial multi-part stories
- sidebar — Sidebar include renderer.
- similarity — Calculate similar posts
- v7/slides — Slides directive
- v8/slides — Slides directive
- slimish — slimish_jinja templating engine for Nikola
- speechsynthesizednetcast — Generates speech audio versions of each post in multiple audio codecs. Packages them up as netcast/podcast feeds.
- spell_check — A spell checker for new posts
- sphinx_roles — A set of reStructuredText roles for Sphinx compatibility
- v7/static_comments — Static comments for Nikola
- v8/static_comments — Static comments for Nikola
- static_tag_cloud — 'Tag cloud' rendering
- subindexes — Generates the index pages for each subdirectory in the blog.
- tagcloud — Render a tag cloud data file.
- tagged_pages — Classify pages according to tags.
- tags — Manage the tags for your site.
- v7/textile — Compile Textile into HTML
- v8/textile — Compile Textile into HTML
- tx3_tag_cloud — Show tags in a pretty way using tx3TagCloud (
- txt2tags — Compile Txt2tags into HTML
- upgrade_metadata — Upgrade old-style metadata
- upgrade_metadata_v8 — Convert special tags (draft, private, mathjax) to metadata
- vcs — Site vcs
- webapp — Advertise Coil CMS
- webmentions — Looks for links in posts and pages before performing WebMention discovery on them in order to try and send webmentions
- wiki — Compile WikiMarkup into HTML
- wikipedia — Add an HTML element containing the summary of a Wikipedia article that can be styled as a tooltip
- windows_live_tiles — Generates tile images and Live Tiles for Windows 8.1 and 10.
- wordpress_compiler — Compile Wordpress-similar text into HTML