Manage the tags for your site.
Tags is a plugin to manage the tags for your site. It lets you perform bulk operations on your posts, to manage their tags. It currently lets you perform simple operations like adding, removing, merging and sorting tags on posts. It can also suggest relevant tags based on the content of a post, leaning towards tags that already exist.
NOTE 1: Tags works by modifying the headers of your posts directly. There is no undo, and it is best to use it only if you have your posts under some form of backup.
NOTE 2: The plugin only works when run from the directory where conf.py
The tags command has a simple interface. All commands take a -n, --dry-run
option, to do a dry run, that lets you see the output (if any),
touching any of the files.
The usage help from the command gives details on how to use the command:
Usage: nikola tags [-n|--dry-run] command [options] [arguments] [filename(s)]
-a ARG, --add=ARG Adds a list of comma-separated tags, given a list of filenames.
$ nikola tags --add "foo,bar" posts/*.rst
The above command will add foo and bar tags to all rst posts.
-l, --list Lists all the tags used in the site.
The tags are sorted alphabetically, by default. Sorting can be
one of 'alpha' or 'count'.
-s ARG Changes sorting of list; can be one of alpha or count.
--merge=ARG Merges a list of comma-separated tags, replacing them with the last tag
Requires a list of file names to be passed as arguments.
$ nikola tags --merge "foo,bar,baz,useless" posts/*.rst
The above command will replace foo, bar, and baz with 'useless'
in all rst posts.
-r ARG, --remove=ARG Removes a list of comma-separated tags, given a list of filenames.
$ nikola tags --remove "foo,bar" posts/*.rst
The above command will remove foo and bar tags to all rst posts.
--search=ARG Lists all tags that match the specified search term.
The tags are sorted alphabetically, by default.
-S, --sort Sorts all the tags in the given list of posts.
$ nikola tags --sort posts/*.rst
The above command will sort all tags alphabetically, in all rst
posts. This command can be run on all posts, to clean up things.
--auto-tag Automatically tag a given set of posts.
-n, --dry-run Dry run (no files are edited).
- Currently does not handle two post files.
- Not sure about the language support. Works reasonably for English, need to check.
Issues? Questions?
You can report issues with this plugin and request help via GitHub Issues.